- ‘Talisker l’ off Orford Quay
7th July
‘Sanderling’s’ crew dinghy sailing…
Brother Henry and actor Danny aboard Talisker l. Danny had never been sailing before. A quick trip out of the river and back in again.
Henry at the helm of my new ship…
Danny first time at the helm EVER and some instruction from Henry
Pretty good effort
off the wind and it’s all so much calmer..
14th July
‘Doc’ teaching Dr Paul Murphy on board ‘Talisker l’. I went to school with Paul and had not seen him since 1975!!
24th July
Approaching ‘The Rocks’ in the Deben on my way to have the ship replumbed by Fred Larkman.
For some reason the heads flushed through the holding tank. After the replumb (all pipes and loo replaced and forward heads removed) they either flush direct to sea or in to the holding tank.
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