Candy & David Masters have sailed their 1962 Henk Tingen to European waters from Seattle via the west coast of the US, Cape Horn, Tristan de Cunha, St Helene, Ascension, The Caribean, Eastern seaboard of the US, Newfoundland, Iceland and Faroe. They spent last winter in Scotland and I met them in Stomness, Orkney in 2017. It was a pleasure to spend time sailing in their company to Fair Isle and Shetland. We both sailed to Norway at the same time. ‘Endeavor’ for Floro a bit further north than me and ‘Talisker 1’. It was wonderful to sail with a couple so skilled in the ways of the sea…

Candy & David visiting the Stromness Life Boat

‘Endeavor’ on passage to Fair Isle from Orkney


Leaving for Norway
We met again in October when we sailed to meet ‘Endeavor’ in Lowestoft.

Candy & David, Lowestoft 9th October having just arrived from Holland

‘Endeavor’ 18th October, Middle Deep, Thames Estuary heading for the Medway