26th October 2018
‘Talisker 1’ is coming out very early …

Stripped of Sails & Gear. Winter Spray Hood. Motoring round to the hoist.

Oliver, Suffolk YH, operating the hoist. ‘Talisker 1’ is in good hands.
31st October 2018

Jim, the sand blasting expert, and Tim from Suffolk YH preparing ‘Talisker 1’ for sand blasting.
The masking is gaffer tape …
Worried by what the bottom might be like Jim was going to do small test areas first.

Three test areas blasted. All is well and Jim can proceed.

Of course it’s not sand. That would be too harsh. Olivine XF is almost like talcum powder! Until a bit hits you.
The high skill is not to do too much and Jim is extremely good.

Nearly done after several hours …

A very messy job …

All done … now a major wash
1st November 2018

All washed and in front of the Suffolk YH Work Shops.
8th November 2018

The hull was virtually ready for Gelshield after the blasting.
9th November 2018

Marvellous Tim from Suffolk YH & a fellow sailor, sanding the boot top and remasking after the blasting
13th November 2018
For the Cast Iron Keel the Suffolk YH professionals are going to seal the keel in five coats Jotun Mega Coat and reprofile in West Epoxy faring filler followed by one more coat of Jotun Mega Coat. I’m itching to get my hands back on her the moment this work is done.

Work on the keel
Tim applying West Epoxy faring filler … keel.

Some work around the skin fittings …
15th November 2018
19th November 2018

Getting there …
21st November 2018

The professional has nearly finished. Tim applying the final coat of Jotun Mega Coat
24th November
I’ve applied the first of four coats of International Gelshield
There are four coats to apply. In alternative green and grey to insure full coverage. I was to get three coats done before the cold weather started.
6th February 2019
Finally enough warmth to change the cutlass baring and remove and check the heat exchanger. Peter Norris came over to help me with these jobs and together we serviced the engine. The final coat of Gelshield has been applied.

Engine maintenance
I flew to Gran Canaria on the 21st February to join Australian SV ‘Taipan’ for their March Atlantic crossing to Martinique. I did not return home until the 2nd April.
‘Talisker 1’ still required two coats of underwater primer and a coat of hard antifoul.
8th April 2019

The red is hard antifoul. It will be the base coat for soft antifoul and also the boot top colour.
9th April 2019
The blue is also hard antifoul. It means I can scrub just below the waterline when afloat.
I’ve started to polish the top sides.
16th April 2019
Launch Day! Two coats of soft Seajet antifoul!

‘Talisker 1’ ready!

James, brother Oliver and big James. The excellent launching team at Suffolk YH.

Motoring round to a berth. The relief of being afloat. Lovely.

Rig Check. Johnny, Evolution Rigging, inspecting the rig after her 5,000 nautical miles last year.

It will take me several days to recommission her.
18th April 2019

Doc & Grandson Zavier help me put the sails back on … but an Easter Egg Hunt First.
19th April 2019
And we are ready for Sea Trials.
Very well done James …. she’s looking superb ⛵️
Thanks Bill
Happy Easter James! Miz T-1 is looking sweet with her new finery! Hugs to the family and friends network… I see David R has been installed as the new Commodore. Very nice!!! Xxoo
Thanks Candy