26th September
Out with Doc again

0630 leaving Orford. ‘Tuesday’ centre of picture.

Heading down river

‘Talisker 1’ getting to grips with light airs

‘Tuesday’ & Doc
Heading out towards Roughs Tower

A little more wind SE of the Cork Sands


Inbound for Harwich

‘Talisker 1’ in pursuit of ‘Tuesday’ heading up The Stour
27th September
A day at anchor in The Stour rafted to ‘Tuesday’
28th September
Back to Orford

0700 ‘Tuesday’ leaving The Stour
Coming out of Harwich


‘Tuesday’ off Felixstowe
‘Talisker 1’ downwind

Bawdsey Manor

‘Tuesday’ off Bawdsey
Approaching Orford Haven

And in to The Ore

Approaching Orford
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