Wednesday 8th June. ‘Talisker 1’ moored in front of the Royal Norfolk & Suffolk YC, Lowestoft
Saturday 11th June 2016
I am now in Scarborough Harbour! And lovely it is too.
I arrived yesterday evening as visibility became very very poor. The informality of Harbour Control was very welcoming on the VHF.
Scarborough Harbour.. visibility down to 50 metres
‘Keep coomin lad … I got the orn on ….you’ll ere it in a minit’.
Sure enough the fog horn sounded and the harbour walls came in to view a few minutes later. Visibility down to less than 50 metres.
It had been a rather frustrating motor sail up from the mouth of the Humber estuary almost missing Flamborough Head in the gloom.
We left Lowestoft Thursday at 11am and anchored on Haile Sand Flats outside the Humber at 0345 on Friday morning. We were underway after a few hours at 0955 to catch the ebb up to Scarborough arriving at 1835.
The sail up round the north Norfolk coast was a little frustrating and we motor sailed most of the time. It was interesting to see Great Yarmouth from the sea. My home for the summer of 1981 when I was working in the theatre (now a bowling alley) on the Wellington Pier. In 1981 the town had five major productions. Cannon and Ball were on The Britannia Pier playing twice daily to packed houses. A very young Lenny Henry was in their show. The Wellington had a show led by Jimmy Cricket. Bernie Clifton was playing at the Windmill, there was a circus at the Hippodrome and Danny La Rue was appearing at the Regent. Not to mention a show at Gorleston too. All there for the whole summer. Cannon and Ball were reputed to have been paid 25k a week each. Danny La Rue would not have been paid much less. Holiday makers still wanted their theatre then. Now the summer season shows are practically extinct.
Leaving Lowestoft
Great Yarmouth Harbour
Great Yarmouth Seafront
The wind dropped off Cromer at 1830 and I looked at possibly Wells next the Sea to stop for the night as tides were right. The HM was happy for me to come in but after heading west across the N Norfolk coast easterly winds kicked in again and taking advantage of these decided to press on north across the Wash.
There was quite a lot of traffic coming out of the Humber. Visibility was good. The wind dropped in the early hours of Friday morning to nothing, which allowed me to anchor at sea and get some sleep. It was a great relief not to have to go in to the estuary.
I got a call from Humber VTS errr asking what we were doing loitering around outside their river. I told them we were about to anchor for a few hours. So all was well.
I woke to the frantic activity of many seals around the boat. Noisy breaths and boisterous play. Some were brave enough to come close in under the transom for a close look at me and the ship. There were two large males in the group who were very brave. I don’t think it was a friendly visit. I think they expected to be fed …
The voyage up to Scarborough was equally frustrating with not enough wind and then eventually no wind at all N of Flamborough Head.
Flamborough Head
I feel somehow the adventure has started but the engine has a problem. Possibly an injector or even two of them seem to be leaking fuel. Today having last checked levels and cleaned under the engine in Lowestoft I mopped up 2/3 of a bucket of mostly raw diesel.

Under the engine …

A lot of diesel..
That’s in 25 hours of motoring since Lowestoft. I need to run the engine under pressure to confirm it is the injectors. That could be a big problem.
I need to speak to Peter Norris.
‘Talisker 1’ Scarborough Harbour
Sunday 12th June
Had a very good day with Thomas Hill (who I had sailed with on ‘Argyll’ in Antibes) and his very lovely wife Kate and their young children Molly and Toby. I was invited to celebrate The Queens birthday celebrations with them.
Thomas and family on their Starlight 30 ‘Starry Night’
I spoke to a local marine mechanic who is going to see me tomorrow. Also Peter called me late afternoon and we are going to speak in the morning when I have uncovered the engine, have the workshop manual and tools to hand.
Sunday night and visibility v v poor
Monday 13th June
I was up early and thoroughly cleaned the engine and then ran it. I quickly found a return line leaking just below a nut and leaking quite badly. Peter was on the telephone and was worried there might be a cracked line. Alan Parker, a local engineer, then arrived and carefully loosened the nut, realigned the pipe, re tightened the nut and ran the engine. Job done. Alan would accept no payment.
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