I thought this was all a bit of a nightmare to start with. I did not get everything right but all the authorities were very helpful. I have to thank Inspecteur Koen Hubrechtsen and Inspecteur Natalie Vandepitte in Oostende for their assistance and patience.
Also the warm welcome from all my Flemish chums and Simon Munters, the very efficient HM at the Royal North Sea YC.

Simon Munters. HM at the RNSYC.
I was Simon’s 5th British visitor in 2021. Normally … that number would be an average week end.
So sail to Belgium. It is worth the tiny bit of extra work necessary.
Sailing to & from Oostende Belgium September & October 2021
Order a Day 2 Covid Test Kit from a Government approved supplier, which you will need to deal with on your return to the UK.
Print and fill in HM Revenue & Customs Form C1331 Part 1
Click to access C1331-12-20.pdf
and send it by post to –
United Kingdom Border Force
Yacht Reports
Freight Clearance Centre
Lord Warden Square
Western Docks
CT17 9DN
I did this by registered mail from Oostende on arrival.
File, on line, a Belgian Public Health Passenger Locator Form. You will receive an email by return confirming receipt with a bar code to download, to produce in Belgium, if requested.
I also took my NHS Covid Passport too.
Both my Belgian Public Health Locator Form barcode and my NHS Covid Passport barcode were saved to downloads on my smartphone.
Telephone the National Yacht Line on
0300 123 2012
to tell them of your intended voyage. They are extremely helpful.
Fill in the Belgium
‘Pleasure Craft Declaration Form’
I did not know about the form until I arrived in Belgium.
You also need the Belgian Federal Police (the building to the left of the old station in Oostende) to stamp your Passport.
The Belgian Police were extremely helpful when stamping my passport and it was they who explained to me that I needed to file their “Pleasure Craft Declaration Form’ on line.
Due to my own ineptitude filling in this form on line, I had to return to the Police in Oostende and I was allowed to fill in the form successfully in their offices.
You will receive an email confirmation from the Belgian Federal Police that the declaration has been received and will be processed as soon as possible. Another email should arrive informing you that the declaration has been processed.
I flew my Belgian courtesy flag and my Q flag on arrival.
The Belgian Federal Police –
Naval Police Oostende
Natienkaai 5
8400 Oostende
Telephone: (32) 59 56 15 30
Email: DGA.SPN.KUST.BCPNO@police.belgium.eu
Take a Covid Test up to 3 days before departure (from the 4th October this was no longer required)
Fill in a UK Passenger Locator Form on line within 48 hours of departure
On the day of departure fill in the Belgian ‘Pleasure Craft Declaration Form’
Your passport needs to be stamped by the Belgian Federal Police on the day of departure. The Police Station is open 24/7
Fly Q Flag
Fill in HM Revenue & Customs Form C1331 Part 2
Telephone the National Yacht Line on
0300 123 2012
to tell them of your arrival.
Take down Q Flag when advised to do so
Register your day 2 test (there will be an email) and take the Covid Day 2 Test that has been posted to your home ON OR BEFORE DAY 2 OF ARRIVAL back in the UK
It is not necessary to isolate.
Send Form C1331 Part 2 to the same address you sent Part 1.
My Covid Test came back negative.
How regulations will change next year is yet to be seen.
Bless you for the detailed feedback from your “learning curve” experience. It was the fear of the unknown beauracracy on both sides of the Chanel that put us off crossing this year. Another example of “fortune favouring the brave”!
Many thanks
Thank you Brian. The truth is that noone is trying to catch anyone out. I’ve always asked for help. There is no reason not to sail foreign. Stay safe James
Thankyou for a detailed explanation.
Post Brexit and precovid there were reports of Belgian authorities fining UK boats found with red diesel in their tanks. The UK didn’t follow the EU banning red for pleasure craft however it is still legal and widely available. Any experience of this?
Hi Mark. I have managed to sail to Belgium every year for many many years. Sometimes three times a year. Even if I’ve sailed long distances elsewhere I’ve always managed to visit my Flemish chums. I have never experienced difficulties with any foreign authority on any matter. I have always received help and kindness. Pre brexit, I have had visits from Belgian authorities three or four times … AND when red diesel was being talked about most. I never had a problem. On one occasion I remember discussing red diesel with the Belgian Federal Police. I think passing the attitude test is key. People tell me that some Harbour Masters are tricky. They can be if they ask you to move and you become difficult. Everyone has a job to do. Respect and good manners with people trying to do their jobs does work. That’s my take on it anyway. Stay safe ATB James