14th September

2000H Orford. On our Mooring.
15th September

0650H visitor to our mooring, Orford
Going to find the Doc and ‘Tuesday’ in Pyefleet so a sail down to the Colne against a spring tide..

off Walton Pier making slow progress

Entering the Colne 1650H
And anchoring with ‘Tuesday’ in Pyefleet
16th September
With threatening weather for the 17th both boats decided to get back to Harwich as we needed to be home on Sunday

1115H Doc & ‘Tuesday’ preparing to leave..
Strengthening NW winds for a sail to The Stour

We are underway. ‘Tuesday off Brightlingsea Creek

Looking back down a malevolent looking Colne

‘Tuesday’ heading for the Naze

‘Talisker 1’ down to 1 reef in the main and the stay sail in NW winds sailing NE in the Wallet
Rounding the Naze ‘Talisker 1’ with 2 reefs & her stay sail beat in to Harwich Harbour in strong winds and blinding spray

‘Talisker 1’ with 2 reefs in the main & flying her stay sail heading in to Harwich from the Naze
‘Tuesday’s’ main sail, a veteran of 39,000 miles including 15,000 Ocean miles, Tropical sun and sailing in the Arctic finally gave way at the lower batten.
17th September
A day at anchor in the Stour

Doc commencing main sail repairs in Erwarton Bay. Ideal anchorage in NW winds.
I was able to help The Doc for once. I rowed over in the dinghy and helped put the sail back together. We did not stab each other with the needle once! Six hours and the job was done ..

‘Talisker 1’ at anchor in the Stour
18th September
Both boats returned to Orford

A serviceable main
Level with the lower batten a black strip of seat belt material has repaired the leech. The seam along the lower batten as well as some tears had to be repaired. ‘Tuesday’s’ new suit of sails have already been manufactured by Rob Kemp ready for next season. A testament to Kemp Sails for the longevity of these sails manufactured 39,000 NM ago.

Approaching Languard
And inside Andrews Spit and along the beach. You can almost reach out and touch the Languard Beacon in passing… no more than a boat length

Inside Andrews Spit

And along the beach towards Felixstowe

‘Tuesday of Ore’. Wind just west of N along Felixstowe beach and a sail all the way to Orford Haven

‘Talisker 1’ just off Felixstowe beach

‘Tuesday’ off Shingle Street

off Haversgate Island

Home Port
My favourite sailing view! Coming in to the moorings at Orford nearing the top of the tide with the castle and church bathed in sunshine.
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