‘Sentijn’ finally left Ipswich Haven on the 15th April.
Pictures aboard ‘Sentijn’ were obviously taken by John and Kara!

Heading down river … from Ipswich
I’ve got a feeling, even for round the world sailors of their calibre, that it was a fairly big moment for Kara and John to finally be under way again after all their winter refurbishments. Their wonderful little boy will have taken the whole thing in his stride. Dean is a bundle of ‘glasses grabbing’ (particularly mine) energy. A very observant little boy. And a very lucky little boy to have parents who are going to show him so much more than the norm. Dean will have his sea legs very quickly. ‘Sentijn’ anchored in The Orwell that night.

‘Sentijn’ anchored off Shotley

A richly deserved celebration
On the 16th I left Orford and sailed south towards the Deben meeting ‘Sentijn’ off the Deben Haven buoy.

‘Sentijn’ sailing towards us. We are off the Deben Haven.

A fine ship! And business like!
We sailed to Lowestoft together and spent the night at The Royal Norfolk and Suffolk YC.

‘Sentijn’ with one of my favourite landmarks .. astern of her ….. Orford Ness LH

‘Sentijn’ on AIS

‘Sentijn’ top right. ‘Talisker 1’ bottom left. Royal Norfolk & Suffolk YC
The following day, the 17th April, it was goodbye to this wonderful young family.

Kara, Dean & John on the roof terrace of the YC with ‘Sentijn’ dead centre in the background
‘Sentijn’ headed north, destination Scotland.

‘Sentijn’ outward bound ..

‘Sentijn’ Pier Heads Lowestoft Harbour
They plan to spend some of the summer months in Ireland before heading for the Canaries and possible the Caribbean for the end of the year.

‘Talisker 1’ flying my RCC burgee from the top of the mast & my un defaced blue ensign for the first time ..
On the 18th we beat back to Orford and back in to our beautiful river.

Leaving Lowestoft behind us

A beat back down the coast to Orford

Back in our River Ore

I will never tire of beautiful Orford, our home port, with her Church and Castle
After a night on board Philip collected me and took me ashore on the 19th April.

HM Philip & ‘Chantry’ & James Robinson coming to collect me from ‘Talisker 1’
‘Sentijn’ had sailed to Blyth in one hit!

Not the prettiest beach in the world. Kara & Dean enjoying Blyth … & finally some warmth!
Thanks James!! Yes it was a big moment when we left Ipswich… That first night back at anchor was one of our most pleasantly memorable, just because of the contrast to all the hard work and marina time over the winter. Freedom!!
Thank you very much for the escort, particularly since you had to beat back. It gave us a lot of confidence going up the coast, since you showed us that all sailors are welcome in the yacht clubs here in the UK. A very pleasant surprise!
Hope to catch up later this season,
John, Kara and Dean
You escorted us up the coast! And me and ‘Talisker 1’ wanted to see ‘Sentijn’ with her sails up and in her element. You have a fine ship and it’s now yours after the incredible winter of hard work. Any YC in the world would welcome ‘Sentijn’ and her crew. It’s an unwritten law to receive visiting yachts and their crews. They would be lucky to have such distinguished visitors. I will be headed wherever the weather takes me towards the end of May. Fair winds .. Stay safe. J