14th August ‘Talisker 1’ was struck on her mooring.
The gentleman, whose incompetence caused the damage, emailed me to tell me what had happened. Ten out of ten to him for doing this. Many would have been thoroughly dishonest and skulked off without saying a word. A huge huge thanks to him.
I was told in the email that it was cosmetic damage.
I went out to ‘Talisker 1’ early the following morning.

Not cosmetic damage …

And patched with tape immediately to keep the area dry ..
So 4,000 NM in the Atlantic with not a mark and then this ..
Josh Major, Suffolk Yacht Harbour, arranged for the repair to be started early on Friday 17th .. if I could get the boat to the Orwell.
Thursday 16th and a sail round to the Orwell from Orford.

with James Robi & brother David … in the rain!

Haul out SYH early on the 17th
James, Olly, James & Jack look after all the hauling out at SYH. ‘Talisker 1’ is in very good hands.

On her way to a cradle for work to start

First the damage has to be enlarged .. and the damage ground out

Robert then applies four layers of fibreglass mat

Matting complete & it’s a warm day. No need to wait long for it to dry ..

Preparing the area for the new gelcoat

Gelcoat applied and drying

Painstakingly patient. Robert starts to sand the area with a fine wet & dry ..

Polishing …

Robert has spotted an imperfection … more wet & dry. A master at work.

Photography does not do the repair justice .. repair completed in a day at 1630
It’s all completed quickly due to temperature. Another time of year and it could have taken several days. It is the astonishing colour match that is so wonderful. Robert, who specialises in wooden boats at Suffolk Yacht Harbour, has worked on ‘Talisker 1’ before repairing her P Bracket. An outstanding shipwright.

Olly & Jack preparing ‘Talisker 1’ for relaunch on the 20th .. I’ve taken advantage of the week end to antifoul with the help of Candy Masters

22nd and all set to sail back to Orford ..
24th August and we can return to Orford

F5 from the west … leaving Felixstowe Harbour

Full power .. in ideal conditions

A constant 8 knots through the water .. with her clean bottom

Orford Church & Castle

My friend Candy Masters back on board her ship ‘Endeavor’ & flying the Stars & Stripes
Woah! So lucky the guy confessed.
Nice job.
Sorry to hear about the inconvenience though.
Cheers from Portugal