26th September
It’s not quite so magical today and last night the gods were positively livid. Gusts of 65 knots, which rocked the ship even in this sheltered harbour. I’ve had to run for shelter. So as I write this, me and ‘Talisker 1’ are about to spend our fourth night in Titchmarsh Marina. It’s not over yet!

25th September. The small wavelets in the very sheltered Titchmarsh Marina give some idea of what the open sea was like!
I’ve been on board since the 17th and had only two days sailing!
I got thoroughly soaked in the tender going out to ‘Talisker 1’ on the 17th. The north and north easterly winds had just started. I should have checked before leaving home (for the conditions for tender to ‘Talisker 1’). But, once on board my ship, having dried myself, it was then too late to leave the mooring and head for a more sheltered anchorage.

17th September and its going to be a bumpy night on the mooring. The sun sets over the Castle and Church.
It was going to be a bumpy night on the mooring. Doc’s tender was on his mooring. Where were they?
A text to Doc and he told me he and ‘Tuesday’ had already returned to the river earlier in the day and had sought shelter above Aldeburgh. He had wanted to get back in to the river before the winds really started.
A check of the weather confirmed we would not be leaving the river soon. The river entrance would be far too violent.
Having spent an uncomfortable night on the mooring we headed up river, with the flood, the following day to seek some peace.

18th September … our track to Brick Dock
On the approaches to Aldeburgh spray shot skywards as waves from a big sea running hit the beach on the seaward side of the spit. It was choppy enough in the shelter of the river with wind against tide.
Doc was anchored in the hole just below Brick Dock. We tucked ourselves against the bank a hundred metres or so further down towards Westrow Point. A withy was but 20 metres away. Doc had taken the prime spot but this was perfect too. ‘Talisker 1’ settled, head to wind, where together we were to spend the next three nights very comfortably as the wind blew from the north north east. I’d taken the tender so I was able to visit ‘Tuesday’ and the Doc each evening.

Our ideal anchorage inside Westrow Point. Doc & ‘Tuesday’ were anchored NNE approximately where 2.3 is marked on the chartlet

Sunset from the cockpit of ‘Tuesday’
An Aldeburgh YC race entertained the Doc and me on the 19th September!

‘Tuesday’ at anchor centre of the picture during the Aldeburgh YC race
On the night of the 20th the winds were forecast to die down and I woke up to fog on the 21st. The sun would burn the fog off fairly quickly. Me and ‘Talisker 1’ could leave the river and put to sea.

21st September. Our track (in purple) from Aldeburgh to our anchorage in Buttermans Bay, River Orwell.

‘Tuesday’ just visible through the fog early morning 21st September.

A withy was but 20 metres away …

‘Tuesday’ getting underway as the fog starts to lift.
‘Tuesday’ and ‘Talisker 1’ took the last of the ebb down river at 0900 with the visibility still poor.

‘Talisker 1’ following ‘Tuesday’ off Westrow Point as we approach the moorings at Aldeburgh in the gloom
By the time we were through the moorings at Aldeburgh the fog had lifted and we were greeted to a clear blue sky and a warm day.

‘Tuesday’ led the way out through the Aldeburgh moorings as the gloom lifted. It was going to be a warm day.

‘Tuesday’ and Orford Church and Castle …

‘Tuesday of Ore’
We were both back on our moorings at 1015. High Water at Orford Haven was at 1450. ‘Talisker 1’ and me set off again at 1125 and in light winds motor sailed to the river bar. By 1300 we were at sea and in light southerly winds sailed to Buttermans Bay in the River Orwell where we dropped anchor at 1800.

The Deben Bar as we sail gently south 21st September

The docks of Felixstowe tucked behind Languard Point

The Port of Felixstowe

A lovely sailing day … with not quite enough wind for many boats 21st September
A very strong spring ebb tide in the Orwell had us making hardly a knot over the ground as we slowly made our way up the Orwell. The wind was going to veer westerly overnight.
I do love Buttermere Bay if the wind is off the land. There is perfect shelter with the woodland along the bank. Pin Mill is as beautiful as ever.

21st September … at anchor Buttermans Bay, River Orwell as the sun goes down over Pin Mill

Dawn on the 22nd September and total peace. The view towards Ipswich.

A new day dawns … Pin Mill

No wonder the late and wonderful Maurice Griffiths loved the east coast. The view down river towards Suffolk Yacht Harbour.

A view up river from Buttermans Bay on the morning of the 22nd September
We were still there the following night with yet another strong wind warning. A terrific low promised very strong winds indeed. The kink in the jet stream is causing mayhem. This one was going to be big!
I received a text from Philip, our wonderful Orford Harbour Master. He was worried enough about the weather to suggest bringing my tender ashore from the mooring. In the end he brought it ashore anyway. And quite right too as she would certainly not have survived the last few days.

Our wonderful Orford Harbour Master and the rescued tender … 24th September. Photo by James Robinson.
What to do? I thought of a sail down the Wallet and contemplated either going in to Brightlingsea Harbour or even Bradwell Marina to hide. Either way the weather was going to be bad enough for me to opt for a marina berth by the evening.

Our track of the 23rd September in brown
So on the 23rd September I left all options open. The wind would increase as the day progressed. We were already double reefed and flying the stay sail passing Shotley. A SW5 with added gusts made for a great sail right out to the edge of the Gunfleet Sands and just before 1100 we were 2 nautical miles NNW of the old Gunfleet LH and it was time to make a decision.

23rd September and ‘Talisker 1’ doing what she does best. Smashing her way to windward.

Heading for the Naze
The wind was going to increase. Then Dover CG confirmed what I already knew over the VHF. A Gale F8 was expected later for Thames. It was blowing a consistent F6 and with wind over tide, the Wallet was not that attractive, despite it being within our comfort zone. ‘Talisker 1’ would have relished the challenge and she seemed slightly disappointed as we came about and headed, very fast, back in to Pennyhole Bay and on in to the Walton Channel.

Heading, very fast, back in to Pennyhole Bay …

There is not much I love more than being afloat …
I was very disappointed with my arrival in Titchmarsh Marina. Allocated the hammerhead on C we were blown off the first time. I’d forgotten that the marina has rings. I therefore could not stay on board and throw a loop over the cleat on the pontoon from the centre cleat on the boat. I reversed out to try again. On my second attempt Julia from the harbour office had come to take my lines. I nearly took her hand off as I accidentally put the boat hard in to reverse. My oil skin trouser leg got caught in the gear stick. Thankfully Julia was far too sharp. That she still managed to make fast the line was very clever on her part. I hate making these mistakes. Sooo unprofessional. I must stop dwelling on it! I’ve woken with a start more than once since … and I’ve been up to the marina office to apologise.
The weather maps below show what the weather was like during our five days in Titchmarsh Marina.

Wind gusts 2300 25th September

Wind gusts 2300 25th September. Note gusts 67kn.

Wind 2300 25th September

Wind 2100 26th September

Wind gusts 2100 26th September

Wind gusts 2100 26th September

Wind gusts 2100 26th September

Wind 1900 27th September

Wind gusts 1900 27th September

Wind gusts 1900 27th September

Wind 1900 27th September
28th September

28th September. Our track in purple finshing with a beat through the port and in to the Orwell after rounding the Cork Sands
Five nights in Titchmarsh Marina! That must be a record.
Tonight, after a lovely sailing day, me and ‘Talisker 1’ are tucked in to the bank just inside the Orwell PH Buoy. A gentle breeze is blowing overnight off the land.

Late afternoon of the 28th September …

… at anchor inside Orwell PH Buoy, River Orwell
I probably could not have been anywhere better than Titchmarsh over the past few days. It was quite violent enough in the marina.
Elsewhere, the Harwich Foot Ferry was ripped from her mooring on Halfpenny Pier and sunk.

The very sad sight of the Harwich Ferry 26th September
The Royal North Sea YC, Oostende took a battering in the yacht basin. Me and ‘Talisker 1’ have been in the basin in strong northerlies and it was extremely uncomfortable. But nothing like the wind strengths of the past few days.

The Royal North Sea YC Oostende took a battering


I’m surprised that the mooring lines did not part …

… the boats were lucky to be still afloat

My friend Pieter had sensibly moved his boat in to the safety of Mecator Marina before the weather hit Oostende.

‘Plankzeil’ was sensibly moved by Pieter to the safety of Mercator Marina
Not everyone heeded the advice of the Yacht Club to move. The whole of that coast saw terrific onshore winds.


Oostende Beach Huts after the storm

The road to Nieupoorte from Oostende
More weather is due towards the week end so tomorrow I hope to sail back to Orford and abandon the ship until next week.
Today we took the ebb out of Twizzle Creek and down the Walton Channel and out in to Hamford Water. In varying north westerly winds we sailed to the Cork Sand Yacht Beacon before sailing round the seaward side of the sands to Medusa PHB. A circumnavigation of the Cork Sands!

Going sailing … 28th September

Medusa SH Buoy … a familiar friend with The Naze Tower behind …


Tacking in to the Port of Felixstowe 28th September
Seven tacks later and we passed Cliff Foot on our way in to the Port of Felixstowe. Another sixteen tacks took us slowly up and in to the Orwell where we dropped anchor under sail.
29th September

29th September. Our track in light blue of our return to The Ore from The Orwell
I’m home!
I woke to the sound of rain. The boat was motionless. I looked outside and there was a glimmer of light on the eastern horizon behind the docks of Felixstowe. The only disturbance in the night had been a couple of passing coasters making their way up to Ipswich or putting to sea. Two large container ships had arrived overnight to fill empty berths in the dock.
I looked up river and the riding light on the only other yacht anchored for the night was still bright.
We had to leave at first light to get back in to the Orford River. At 0650 and now daylight we were underway. Not a breath of wind. The rain had stopped and it was overcast. The south easterly winds would arrive too late for us to sail today.
We cut inside Andrews Spit.

We cut inside Andrews Spit
You practically reach out and touch the beacon on the end of the Languard breakwater and then hug the shore line with a shallow bank to starboard. This is something not to be attempted in an onshore wind. Anglers can get cross but today the beach was empty.

Not a ripple on the surface of the sea as we approach Deben Haven 29th September

Heading north we passed the ‘Violet Mary’ and Charles Hitchcock, heading south, who kindly took this picture of ‘Talisker 1’
There was not a ripple on the surface of the sea until we closed on Orford Haven. A rare day in these parts not to be sailing.
A drizzle set in as we came alongside the Orford SC pontoon to offload and pick up my tender, so kindly rescued from her fate on the mooring by our vigilant Harbour Master. James Robbie arrived and we motored out to the mooring.

‘Talisker 1’ alongside the Orford SC pontoon 29th September
Doc came and visited from ‘Tuesday’. It was brilliant to end the trip talking to the two master mariners.
Twelve days away and only three days sailing!
Great to see you are still getting some time afloat.
We lifted Typhoon Ten at the beginning of October.
Best regards,
Not sure for how much more Richard. I’m now in a marina for the winter with a haul out booked for early next year. I’d hoped to be sailing some more but with lockdown due to start on Thursday I’ll be down to the marina early to do some extra security. Quadruple lines etc. Hope your staying safe. ATB James