Maurice Griffiths

Maurice Griffiths ‘The Magician’

The expert handling of a yacht can be learned in time, but a great deal of it is intuitional, and unless you have the real love of the sea and a strong desire to love and serve her – the only mistress, some declare, worth serving – you will always remain an inferior helmsman or helmswoman.

First, don’t imagine that the sole desire of a yacht is to capsize and drown her owner.

Yachting on a Small Income M.G. 1925

….and like the experienced single-handed sailing man he had his own way of doing things and preferred not to ask his crew to do them.

The First of the Tide M.G. 1979

That perhaps is one of the many fascinations of boating and sailing in all its forms: after fifty years of yachting you can still learn fresh tricks, something you have never heard of before, and often enough from another who has recently come new and fresh to the boating way of life!

Swatchways & Little Ships M.G. 1971

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